Behold… Millets: How a Small, Ancient Grain Could Take the Food Industry by Storm

Behold… Millets: How a Small, Ancient Grain Could Take the Food Industry by Storm

When it came to developing an ingredient bursting with nutrient richness, we went back in time to draw inspiration from our culinary roots. There, we discovered one of the most wholesome but overlooked grains that would breathe tremendous nutritional power into progressive culinary creations. Behold… Millets.

It’s almost destiny that Symega released its line of Millet Fortifiers just in time for the christening of this year as the International Year of Millets (IYOM) by the United Nations.

From Sorghum and Foxtail to Brown-top and Barnyard, there is now a timely resurgence of global Millet varieties worldwide, a recognition of its rapidly growing value in the current food market.

Brimming with nutritional and environmental benefits, millets are the ideal and versatile missing ingredient from many food labels today.

Symega Food Ingredients Millets Internal images Why Millets

Why Millets

For such a small product of nature, Millets’ inherent strength is from having a combination of minor and major nutrients, making it a superfood. They contain non-starchy polysaccharides, gluten-free proteins, high soluble fibre content, high antioxidants, are rich in bioactive compounds and have a low glycemic index. It is also a good source of beta-carotene and B vitamins.

 Millets possess a broad nutrient profile comprising calcium, phosphorus and iron, for which it has been named a superfood. Millets’ inherent strength is from the natural constituents of minor and major nutrients. Millets earn their strength from the potent combination of micro and macro nutrients. Its high fibre content makes it a highly valuable food source for digestive health, helps keep blood sugar levels stable, and helps manage cholesterol. Apart from that, millet grains do not produce cholesterol. This grain is also famous for its zero-cholesterol content, and It is an ideal source of nutrition for those who suffer from gluten sensitivities or celiac disease. Besides millets’ nutritional value, there are many environmental benefits to increasing millet intake across India and the globe.

These were excellent reasons for us at Symega to research and experiment with incorporating millets into the modern diet.

The results were a brilliant series of products that can serve as millet fortifiers for popular food brands, whose widely consumed products represent a form of positive culinary innovation. This serves as a covert yet essential means to elevate this modest, often overlooked grain to the nutritionally deserving status it warrants.

Symega Food Ingredients Millets Internal images Symegas Millet Portfolio

Symega’s Millet Portfolio

While taking a closer look at the millet’s potential in the food industry, Symega selected three millet varieties, Barley, Finger Millet (Ragi), Sorghum (Jowar) and Proso, and a mixture of the three, to develop its versatile and robust range of millet-based solutions, namely Instant Millet Powders, Millet-based Ready-to-Drink (RTD) Beverages, Millet-based Creamers and Millet-Based Ready-to-Cook (RTC)/ (Ready-to-Eat) RTE Meal Mix, millet basedmillet-based chocolate spread/bar. Having used proprietary processing technology to craft these unique culinary fortifying products, Symega focused on having these products fulfill specific key characteristics that would make them ideal fortifiers.

Symega Food Ingredients Millets Internal images Instant Millet Powders

Instant Millet Powders

With a variety of ragi, jowar, proso and a mixture of the three, Symega has created a series of instant millet powders that can be smoothly introduced into various mainstream products for boosted nutrition. These powders are resistant to high heat levels, completely soluble, and extremely versatile in their fortifying properties. Whether they are churned into your ice cream, beverage or smoothie premixes, chocolate without a trace or baked into your scrumptious snacks and cookies, we can ensure the intake of health with every single bite.

Symega Food Ingredients Millets Internal images Millet Creamers

Millet Creamers

Although the market is abundant with options for plant-based dairy substitutes, one drawback always is compromise in taste quality. However, Symega’s Jowar creamer is the ideal dairy substitute, and the difference goes unnoticed by one’s taste buds. Its rich and creamy texture and high solubility will ensure the beverages and desserts in which it is used are uncompromised in taste yet enhanced in creaminess.

Symega Food Ingredients Millets Internal images Millet Based RTD Beverage

Millet-Based RTD Beverage

Symega’s Millet-Based RTD Beverage is made from either a single millet type, a blend of millets or a grain/nut-based millet mix to create a beverage that can be directly consumed. It can also be used as a substitute or an additive for the ‘milk-like’ taste of milk in conventionally dairy-based products. This is available as either a premix or an RTD, so our collaborators could potentially experiment to create a wide range of successful products with winning levels of micronutrients. A huge added advantage to using this product is that it has fibre and protein. The protein and fibre content is three times that of cow’s milk and boasts higher levels of other vital nutrients.

Symega Food Ingredients Millets Internal images RTC RTE Meal Mix

Millet-Based RTC/RTE Meal Mix

To create a more homely set of products for the market segment that is more traditional in its preferences, Symega has developed the Milled-Based RTC/RTE Meal Mix. To stretch the limits of everyday staple dishes in Indian households, we have played with masala blends and unconventional choices of millet to create fresh tastes from age-old recipes. The possibilities of stretching into the vegan market with these delicious collaborative ingredients are infinite.

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Reimagining Products with One of Symega’s Millet Fortifiers

Take, for instance, a famous yoghurt with a splendid range of flavours and great texture, not to mention great nutritional value.

How could a product like Symega’s Instant Millet Powder heighten its nutritional value to a new level without detracting from its great qualities?

Here are some surprising ways in which it can pack that additional nutritional punch:

  • It’s possible to retain a pure, clean taste when using a 15% dosage in the product
  • Since the particle size has been kept to the lowest possible measurements, there will be no changes to the product’s texture.
  • And most importantly, sedimentation in your product will not be an issue. 

Back to the Future

Leveraging the core strengths of this ancient grain will revolutionize how the food industry rethinks nutritional value in the future. Even better, they can achieve this without revamping pre-existing product offerings completely. A collaborative add-on like Symega’s millet-based fortifiers is all set to change the game for many food companies shortly.  

To co-create nutritionally outstanding products, contact us at

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