As consumers turn more experimental and health conscious, confectioners are continually looking out for concepts and ingredients to help them develop sensational sweets that are innovative, indulgent and inspiring.
Powered by comprehensive intelligence on new product developments around the world, our sensory experts and application specialists have developed a broad portfolio of sweet flavours and natural colours, suitable of use in your confectionery recipes and bound to delight your consumers, young and old alike.
Symega, with its leading-edge expertise in the science of savoury blends, is a partner of choice for virtually every food and beverage segment in the world, be it snacks, staples, convenience foods, or gourmet dishes. Crafted by sensory experts and evaluated by passionate food lovers, our formulations grab, hold and heighten the senses with their rich and robust flavour, making each meal an experience to remember.
From a range of traditional citrus and mints to exotic berries and tropical fruits, our confectionery flavours are inspired by the global trends. With rising costs, static pricing and dynamic preferences being a perennial challenge faced by the confectioners, our ability to offer endless options with low cost-in-use makes Symega the right partner for your new, sweet projects.
Our flavours for confectionery come in sweet and savoury profiles and with status options of natural, nature identical and artificial. With options of water-soluble and oil-soluble flavours, in liquid or powder forms, our team of confectioners and flavourists can deliver the perfect flavour solution, just right for your custom requirement.
Confectionery is always associated with fun, lively and happy times and it is hard to imagine sweets that are colourless, plain and dull.
Our range of warm and vibrant natural colours, prepared from vegetable pigments delivers the perfect natural colouring that makes confectionery visually appealing while providing healthier, natural alternatives to the commonly used artificial colours. We offer a full range of clear and cloudy colours that are heat and light stable, and are suitable for use in oil as well as aqueous media. Be it candies, gums, lollypops or coloured chocolates; our colour solutions for confectionery respond to the market demand for variety and health
Symega Food Ingredients is engaged in manufacturing and marketing natural colours, flavours and savoury blends to food and beverage industries worldwide.